Privacy Statement (GDPR)

The protection of your personal data is important to Van Dijck SA. We hereby wish to inform you about how we use your personal data, in accordance with the new European regulation on the protection of personal data (GDPR).

Respecting your privacy is a priority for Van Dijck SA. We are aware of and attentive to your rights to be informed about how data and information that may identify you personally (your data) are processed, which you may provide to us.

We therefore intend to explain to you how we use your data, as well as the measures we take to preserve their confidentiality and security.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us at the address below.

1. Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

The data controller responsible for your data is Van Dijck SA, located at 4041 Milmort, rue des Alouettes 171, telephone number 04 278 73 25. Email: and VAT number: BE0453.891.506.

2. What categories of personal data do we process?

Van Dijck SA processes the following categories of data:

– Your personal identification data such as your name, first name, address, email address, telephone (including mobile phone);
– The name, identification, company number, address of your company, your position in it, and your professional email address;
– Personal characteristics (age, gender, date of birth), and your language;
– Your preferences and interests regarding the types of stones you are interested in when you are in contact with us for a future project, renovation, or landscaping;
– The history of offers, orders, collections, and deliveries made on your behalf;
– Financial data such as your payments and bank account number in the context of the delivery of our products and services, as well as in the context of billing;
– Our establishments are equipped (or are about to be equipped) with video surveillance; your image may also be collected, but will only be processed if necessary and transmitted to the competent authorities;
– Information concerning disputes and disputes;
– Information/data that you would spontaneously transmit to us, for example when you ask us questions by email, or information/data that we receive when you visit the Van Dijck SA website and when, via this site, you request samples, a catalog, a price list, a price quote, or any other service or information. The same goes for your image and data communicated via social networks when you choose to follow our news via this channel;
– Information that we are legally obliged to process.

The communication of your personal data is a necessary condition to use our services and to access our products.

For B2B customers, we could also collect certain contact data via external channels, including address managers? We then contact them; they then have the opportunity to check, correct or modify their data, or to no longer authorize its use.

3. For what purposes and on what legal basis do we process your personal data?

Van Dijck SA processes your personal data for the following purposes:

– Customer management, including: customer administration, management of potential, existing or former customers, drafting and communication of quotes, management of orders and contracts, management of deliveries and their monitoring, management of address changes or other changes to your data, billing of products and services, accounting. This processing is based on the need to perform the contract concluded with you as a customer, or the need to take certain measures, at your request, before the conclusion of the contract;
– After-sales services, especially for on-site repairs. This processing also has as a legal basis the need to perform the contract concluded with you as a customer, or the need to take certain measures, at your request, before the conclusion of the contract;
– Direct marketing to our existing customer base and potential customer base based on our legitimate interest;
– Combating fraud and offenses by customers and managing disputes and conflicts, the legal basis being our legitimate interest as a dealer and/or the legitimate interest of the importer and/or manufacturer of your stones or others to detect and reduce fraud and to manage disputes;
– For any analyzes in the context of reorganizations or transfers/acquisitions of companies, the legal basis being the legitimate interest of Van Dijck SA and the parties involved in these transactions, in order to carry out these transactions successfully;
– Compliance with any other legal obligation to which we are subject, for example in tax and accounting matters.

4. Who has access to your personal data?

Only workers, employees, and administrators/managers of Van Dijck SA have access to your personal data for the purposes mentioned above.
Thus, Van Dijck SA may use your personal identification data, such as your name and surname, company name, address, email address, telephone (including mobile phone), the reference of the stones ordered, the history of your purchases and repairs, and information about the contractor you use for purchases and maintenance. People within Van Dijck SA only have access to your data to the extent that they need it for the purposes stated.

For the processing of your personal data, Van Dijck SA also uses the Mailchimp platform for sending our newsletters and specific information to be transmitted to all our customers.

We may also use other service providers who process your data on our behalf, such as:

– Transport companies to perform their service;
– Our external subcontractors for the production of the stones that we ask to perform on our behalf (e.g., Carrières Du Hainaut for the extraction and shaping of the ordered blue stones, other stone quarries for the subtractions and cutting of specific stones, or other stone working companies according to the characteristics of the requested stones…);
– Our external subcontractors for the management of our website and the management of the customer database.
– Our network of contractors (when you ask for our address book);

Finally, we may also share personal data with third parties who, in the event of possible reorganizations or transfers/acquisitions of companies, and in general, with our advisers and lawyers in the context of opinions, disputes, or disputes.

We will not transfer your data to other third parties without your authorization, unless we are legally required to do so.

5. Do we transfer your personal data outside the EU?

Your personal data is not transferred outside the European Union.

6. How long do we keep your personal data?

Van Dijck SA will keep your personal data for as long as necessary for the purposes specified in this notification.

This means that the data is kept:

– For customer management and after-sales service: as long as our business relationship lasts and up to one year after the expiry of the applicable limitation period in the event of possible disputes;
– For the fight against fraud and offenses, as well as for the management of disputes: as long as the dispute lasts;
– For use in the context of reorganization or transfers/acquisitions of companies: as long as our business relationship is ongoing;
– For direct marketing: for a period of 5 years after our last interaction, unless you oppose processing for this purpose;
– For social networks: as long as you choose to follow us;
– To comply with other legal provisions: as long as the law requires it.

In any case, we will delete your personal data 8 years after our last contact, unless we have to keep it longer due to a legal obligation or for product security reasons.

7. Do we use automated decision-making?

Van Dijck SA does not use automated decision-making within the meaning of Article 22 of the GDPR.

8. What measures do we take for secure processing?

Van Dijck SA takes reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure, in light of the possible risks, an appropriate level of security to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your personal data.

Third-party service providers that we use also have the legal and contractual obligation to take appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss or unauthorized processing.

9. What are your rights under the GDPR?

In accordance with the GDPR, you have the right to:

– Request access and rectification or erasure of personal data that we process about you;
– Request to limit the processing concerning you, as well as the right to object to processing;
– Request to obtain the personal data you provided, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, to transmit it to another controller (this is the “right to data portability”);
– Regarding processing based on your consent, withdraw this consent at any time, without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal;
– Lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

To do so, you simply need to send a clear request to the data manager of Van Dijck SA, specifying exactly what you want to see, correct, or delete. Depending on your request, Van Dijck SA reserves the right to request that your request be signed, dated, and accompanied by a copy of the front of your identity card.

If you want us to delete your data, you must also specifically justify your request.

If these conditions are met, Van Dijck SA will proceed with your request as soon as possible and inform you accordingly unless your request for deletion is contrary to legal requirements.

Van Dijck SA reserves the right to make changes to this “privacy notification”, for example, if necessary due to legislative changes or directives from the competent supervisory authority, but also organizational adjustments.

Updated on April 25, 2019.